Monday, December 26, 2011

Fun Christmas Photos of Elliot

Hanging out on my play mat in my Christmas PJ's

Christmas Eve Outfit 

Christmas Eve at the Alukonis House, Watching Seamus open his gifts

Me and my mom on Christmas morning
We took the chance to snap some fun photos of Elliot during the holidays in all his fun outfits!

Christmas Fun

me and Auntie Bridget

hanging out with Nana

Stephanie came to see me! 

A Visit with Memire

and some cuddles with Auntie

Spending time with Auntie Kate
What a wonderful holiday season we have had.  Here are some photos of the weekend!  Enjoy

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Clothes!

The Perry Family is getting into the spirit of Christmas!  Elliot has a lot of Christmas outfits and I have decided to document them as he wears them!  Today he has on a shirt with Santa's reindeer!  Enjoy!

Trip North

Yesterday we headed north for a one month visit to Dartmouth!  It was an icy ride that took us on a small adventure before arriving in Lebanon (thank goodness E and BJ were troopers). 

Elliot saw a few of his Dr's and even had a special visit to the ICN to visit some of our favorite folks!  Everyone was thrilled to see how great Elliot is doing - a wonderful visit had by all! 

We were given flying colors and will have to retun next month for another visit!  Here is a quick shot of Elliot in his car seat on our way north! 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Funny Photos

Elliot on his play mat!


Elliot's concentration face!

Thank You

With the holiday season right around the corner we decided to thank everyone who has been so wonderful in our lives over the past few months and who we couldn't have taken this journey without!

It's been almost 5 months since Elliot was born and we've had a ton of support from people who do not work at Dartmouth, but who have helped just as much to get us to this wonderful place.  Our family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and blog followers have been on this journey with us the entire time.

Family - we have the best two families anyone could ask for and Elliot is so lucky to have such wonderful grandparents and aunts/uncles/cousins who care about him, from cleaning our house for 2 full days before we came home (mb, katie, michele, seamus and verna), to cooking non-stop meals and delivering them every week while we were in Dartmouth (even taking our laundry back and forth!), to housing Liberty for almost 3 straight months (we are working on getting her back to her old dog food now!), to gathering all the baby stuff we needed to get before Elliot came home, and for driving at least 2 times a week to see us up and back on awful route 89 we THANK YOU.

Neighbors - thanks for watching our home, for not getting upset when our grass got to long and the leaves were not raked.  Thanks for welcoming us back to the neighborhood when Elliot finally came home and thanks for always checking in on us.

Friends - such wonderful folks who have called, come by, brought food and gift for Elliot, emailed, texted and just welcomed us back to our "normal" lives!    

Bloggers - thanks to all of you for following us and for scolding me when we go more than a week with no updates, I realize you all enjoy the photos and updates from us and i'll try to keep on top of it now!

Elliot with his cousin Nik

Elliot with Seamus and Uncle Ted 

Elliot with his best friend Liberty

Elliot and his Auntie Kate
Elliot and his Grammy

This holiday season we will celebrate how lucky we are to have Elliot in our lives and we hope that your holiday season is just as wonderful.  Thank you all again and enjoy this special time of year with your families and friends.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Here are a few photos from our almost 10 days home!  Elliot is living the good life here with his parents and Liberty and we are all adjusting well! 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Watching the game with my dad

Elliot and BJ had a wonderful Sunday afternoon watching the Pat's game - BJ picked up a little jersey for Elliot to wear during the game!  Enjoy the shot!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

First Week Home

What a week it has been! 

We welcomed Elliot home to Manchester on Monday, November 21st!  It was so hard to leave the ICN but it's so nice to be home!  We've managed to have a pretty good week, all 3 of us have been sleeping and eating pretty well. 

Elliot loves being home, he's got lots of toys and loved ones who have been able to come visit.  We had one outing to the Dr's office on Wednesday and that was enough for us, as you can imagine it's not very easy to move Elliot around with his oxygen and monitor and all the baby stuff!  We have a visiting nurse that comes and checks on his 3 times a week - she gives us an update on Elliot's weight (which my dad ask's for every day, so it's a good thing she comes), she checks his lungs and gives him an overall look - it's very nice and reassuring to us when she stops by.

We would also like to thank everyone who has sent gifts, food cards and love - Elliot is so happy to be home and so are we!  Thanks again for all the well wishes!

Friday, November 25, 2011


What a wonderful Thanksgiving had by the Perry Family, it was one that we will cherish and remember forever!  Elliot slept thru most of it in his swing at the table but it was so nice just having him home with us for such a wonderful holiday!  My parents came and cooked the turkey (all 20lbs of it) at our house, so we had the yummy smell all thru the day!  They came back over around 3pm and we ate around 4 and then enjoyed some cuddles with Elliot.  It was such a nice quiet time. 

We also had an afternoon visit from Bridget, Bob and Nik - BJ's sister and her family.  It was a fun visit - Nik was able to hold Elliot and he had a good time playing with Liberty too! 

All in all a wonderful holiday!  We hope your Turkey was yummy, you watched the parade with loved ones and you celebrated together with family! 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

4 Month Video

Elliot's 4 Month Video Is Up And Ready To Be Watched.
Click on the link and enjoy his final video from the ICN.

The Perry's

Monday, November 21, 2011

We Are Home

Today we welcomed home Elliot Francis - here are some photos of our day!  Enjoy 

The Perry Family Arrives Home To Manchester

Our Neighbor Brenda Makes The Best Cakes. Elliot Truly Is Special

The Boys Are Back In Town. 

Elliot and Liberty Take Their First Nap Together

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Getting Down To Business

Elliot and Dad taking calls and closing deals during our family overnight in Dartmouth!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Swing Time

Sleep time in my swing!

Awake time in my swing
Elliot has gotten big enough for a swing - he loves it!

Photos with Mom

We took these great shots after Elliot finished an entire bottle - our little champ!

Elliot with a milk lip!

Photos with Dad

Halloween Photos

Elliot was a pea pod!
We snapped 2 shots of Elliot in his halloween outfits!  Enjoy

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Week 14

We must apologize for the delay, the Perry Household has been very busy!  With the election right around the corner and Elliot improving every day we've found ourselves slacking in the updating department!

My dad and I came up on Wednesday for a visit with Elliot, we drove up for the day, it was good for my dad to get out of the powerless house in Bedford (we had a significant snow storm last weekend that left some folks in the state powerless for a week) and take the long, boring, drive north for a day with his grandson!  We had a wonderful day, Elliot was extra alert and my dad enjoyed that time better than a sleeping Elliot.  I also got in some good cuddles while my dad used the computer and watched next to the bed - a wonderful day had by all 3 of us!

BJ traveled north on Thursday and Friday and was filled with the news that Elliot would be moved to low flow oxygen (the kind he will be discharged with) and that his eyes look good from his surgery last week and that Elliot passed his hearing test - all wonderful things!  BJ was able to set up our initial discharge meeting for next Wednesday (thankfully, after the election) and we will see how things go from there.  We've assigned our last few projects to family and friends and we are excited to see the light at the end of this long tunnel!

Elliot's been getting most of his meals from the bottle now which is hard for him but good since we want to leave this place - he's been a total rockstar and impressing everyone around him.  Sometimes it's said that once premies reach 40 weeks the light turns on and they realize that home sounds like a good place and we start heading in the right direction....towards the door!

I am sure we will have more to share next week - it's bound to be a busy one!  Thanks again for all your well wishes and we hope to be given the green light soon to take our little one home!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fun Photos

Elliot with his Halloween pumpkin

A classic Elliot face

Hanging out in my bouncy chair
Elliot had a fun photo shoot with some fall decorations, all cleaned of course!  I think he liked it - we got a ton of shots and he had a good time.  He's also started to enjoy time in his chair looking around the ICN.  He's getting so big!