Thursday, October 11, 2012

Crazy Boy!

How crazy cute is this boy??


Fall Fun!

Elliot and the pumpkins!


How did I get in here?

Yummy maple pop from Uncle Tavis!

E Man and Auntie Kate!

Such a big boy!
We have enjoyed a wonderful fall season so far!  We have visited pumpkin patches and tasted all different kinds of treats!! 

Yard Fun

What fun we have had in the yard this summer!  Elliot loves his swing and also enjoys playing with his toys with Liberty!! 

Bath Time

Sunday night bath time!! 

First Cold!

All smilies and feeling much better - hope to head home today!

Elliot and his IV - still all smiles!

Not a happy camper!
Elliot had his first cold - It's hard to believe we made it to a little over 14 months with no colds!  He had a runny nose and a hard time breathing which put him in the hospital for one night - he was a real tropper, he even needed an IV!  Here are a few photos from our over night!  He's home now and feeling much better. 

No More Helmet!

Elliot and the Helmet!!  Elliot no longer has to wear his helmet - here is at his last Helmet Dr. Appointment and then all smiles when he heard the good news!!  He's done so great with the helmet but we are so happy it's off!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Elliot and dad!
What a busy summer!!  We have been so bad about updating the blog!  I've attached a lot of new photos of us over the past few months!  Elliot is doing well - we hope only a few more weeks for his helmet!  We have all managed to stay healthy!  Elliot is about 12.6lbs and we are hoping at his next weigh in to be at 13lbs!  He's been starting to roll over and sit up a bit by himself - he loves playing with new toys that are bright and make lots of noise!  He's been a very happy camper this summer! 

Elliot at the CHaD Baseball Game at Fisher Cats Stadium in August!
More Fisher Cats Fun with dad!

Elliot is finally big enough to use his exersauser!  His feet finally touch the ground and he loves it!

me and my toys!!

Double Trouble!  Getting ready for an evening walk!

Yummy Yummy!

Elliot's first trip to the beach!  York Maine Long Sands - boy did he love it!

Fun time in the sun with mom!

Elliot came by to visit mom at the office - we put him right to work!

How cute are we?

1st Birthday!

On July 23rd we celebrated Elliot's First Birthday!  We had a beautiful day with family and friends!  It's amazing to see how far we have come in just one year!  Elliot had a great time and even enjoyed the cake!!  Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate and everyone who sent special Birthday messages!

Friday, July 6, 2012

July 4th 2012!

We spent the July 4th holiday at the Mt. Washington Hotel (BJ had an event so Elliot and I went for the ride).  The weather was beautiful and we had a nice time.  Elliot didn't like being away from home that much - I think he missed all of his securities!  Hard to believe he turns 1 in just 3 short weeks!!
Elliot loves sitting in his high chair to eat and just to hang out - notice is foot placement!

Just reading the Union Leader on Sunday morning!


All done with the baby food - bring me the real stuff!

Elliot and Mom

Elliot and I sending a photo to BJ one night when he was working late!  Not sure Elliot was having much fun with out photo shoot!

Happy 4th of July!  Hanging out on the porch at the Mt. Washington Hotel

Catch Up

Ellioy enjoying his "bumbo" chair - he sits with us in the kitchen!

Lazy Sunday!  Elliot was swinging with his Auntie Kate!

Elliot's message on Fathers Day was simple...

It's been so long since I've posted anything and I apologize to our avid readers!  We are enjoying the summer and it's been a little too hot for Elliot.  With the helmet and the braces at night it can get a bit steamy!  I've added some photos below for your enjoyment! 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


He thinks his bib is a cape! 

Elliot loves his big boy chair - bring on the oatmeal mom!

He looks a little guilty if you ask me!

Helmet Photos

Hot summer days!

quick morning nap

Elliot's getting sooo big!
We've had lots happen over the past 3 weeks!  Elliot got his helmet and we are on week 2!  He's doing great and once it's on he does not seem to mind it.  He wears this 23 hours a day - even sleeping with it and the braces for his club feet - as you can imagine he get's pretty hot so we've been sleeping with the AC on already - it's going to be a long hot expensive summer I am sure :)

We've also been giving Elliot more food, he's eating carrots, sweet potatos, squash, prunes, oatmeal and his milk - getting to be a big boy - he's about 11.4 lbs!! 

He's been working on rolling over - has not mastered it yet but he's working on it and he's been much more mobile since he only has to wear his feet braces at night now.  He's been drolling a lot but no sign of a real tooth yet!  Hard to believe he's already 10 months old - time sure does fly! 

Elliot's Trip to DC

BJ and Elliot
We recently traveled to Washington DC for a long weekend and we had a blast!  Elliot and we survived both flights with little to no fan fair and we did lots of walking.  We showed Elliot all our old hangouts and favorite places to eat!  The weather was beautiful and we got a chance to see everyone while we were here.  We were even able to celebrate BJ's 30th Birthday!!
Ready for take off

Elliot airing out his feet during a walk on Capital Hill